Hastings District

Pekapeka Wetlands

Pekapeka is one of the few remaining large wetlands of its type and the second-highest-ranking wetland in Hawke's Bay.

Pekapeka Wetlands


State Highway 2, approx 12km south of Hastings, Hastings District

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Pekapeka Wetlands are located in the 98 ha Pekapeka Regional Park, managed by Hawke's Bay Regional Council but some portions on private land. It is a remnant of a former extensive wetland system covering the majority of the Pekapeka, and is one of the few remaining large, inland wetlands in Hawke’s Bay.

A restoration project since the 1990s aimed to improve the wetland’s capacity to regulate flood waters and increase the natural biodiversity. Some dead willow trunks are evidence of the huge clearance of willows that was needed to reopen the wetland.

A wide range of water fowl can be viewed including the elusive bittern (if you are lucky you may hear it before you see it!).

Visitors can follow the tracks and interpretation signs to learn about the history and ecological value of Pekapeka.

Pekapeka Wetlands


State Highway 2, approx 12km south of Hastings, Hastings District

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